/* * Copyright 2006 The Apache Software Foundation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "axis2_Calculator_stub.h" #include #include #include #include #include axiom_node_t * build_om_programatically(const axis2_env_t *env, const axis2_char_t *operation, const axis2_char_t *param1, const axis2_char_t *param2); int main(int argc, char** argv) { axis2_stub_t *stub = NULL; axiom_node_t *node = NULL; axis2_status_t status = AXIS2_FAILURE; const axis2_env_t *env = NULL; const axis2_char_t *address = NULL; const axis2_char_t *client_home = NULL; axiom_node_t *ret_node = NULL; const axis2_char_t *operation = "add"; const axis2_char_t *param1 = "40"; const axis2_char_t *param2 = "8"; env = axis2_env_create_all( "Calculator_blocking.log", AXIS2_LOG_LEVEL_TRACE); client_home = AXIS2_GETENV("AXIS2C_HOME"); if (!client_home) client_home = "../../deploy"; address = "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/Calculator"; if (argc > 1 ) operation = argv[1]; if (AXIS2_STRCMP(operation, "-h") == 0) { printf("Usage : %s [operation] [param1] [param2] [endpoint_url]\n", argv[0]); printf("use -h for help\n"); printf("default operation add\n"); printf("default param1 %s\n", param1); printf("default param2 %s\n", param2); printf("default endpoint_url %s\n", address); printf("NOTE: command line arguments must appear in given order, with trailing ones being optional\n"); return 0; } if (argc > 2 ) param1 = argv[2]; if (argc > 3 ) param2 = argv[3]; if (argc > 4 ) address = argv[4]; printf ("Using endpoint : %s\n", address); printf ("\nInvoking operation %s with params %s and %s\n", operation, param1, param2); node = build_om_programatically(env, operation, param1, param2); stub = axis2_Calculator_stub_create_with_endpoint_uri_and_client_home(env, address, client_home); /* create node and invoke Calculator */ ret_node = axis2_Calculator_stub_add(stub, env, node); if(ret_node) { axis2_char_t *om_str = NULL; om_str = AXIOM_NODE_TO_STRING(ret_node, env); if(om_str) { printf("\nOM returned = %s\n", om_str); } if (AXIOM_NODE_GET_NODE_TYPE(ret_node, env) == AXIOM_ELEMENT) { axis2_char_t *result = NULL; axiom_node_t *result_node = (axiom_node_t*)AXIOM_NODE_GET_FIRST_CHILD(ret_node, env); axiom_element_t *data_ele = (axiom_element_t*)AXIOM_NODE_GET_DATA_ELEMENT(result_node, env); result = AXIOM_ELEMENT_GET_TEXT(data_ele, env, result_node); printf( "\nResult = %s\n", result); } else { axiom_xml_writer_t *writer = NULL; axiom_output_t *om_output = NULL; axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL; writer = axiom_xml_writer_create_for_memory(env, NULL, AXIS2_TRUE, 0, AXIS2_XML_PARSER_TYPE_BUFFER); om_output = axiom_output_create (env, writer); AXIOM_NODE_SERIALIZE (ret_node, env, om_output); buffer = (axis2_char_t*)AXIOM_XML_WRITER_GET_XML(writer, env); printf ("\nReceived invalid OM as result : %s\n", buffer); if(NULL != buffer) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer); buffer = NULL; } if(NULL != om_output) { AXIOM_OUTPUT_FREE(om_output, env); om_output = NULL; } } } else { AXIS2_LOG_ERROR(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "Stub invoke FAILED: Error code:" " %d :: %s", env->error->error_number, AXIS2_ERROR_GET_MESSAGE(env->error)); printf("Calculator stub invoke FAILED!\n"); } if (stub) { AXIS2_STUB_FREE(stub, env); } return status; } axiom_node_t * build_om_programatically(const axis2_env_t *env, const axis2_char_t *operation, const axis2_char_t *param1, const axis2_char_t *param2) { axiom_node_t *Calculator_om_node = NULL; axiom_element_t* Calculator_om_ele = NULL; axiom_node_t* text_om_node = NULL; axiom_element_t * text_om_ele = NULL; axiom_namespace_t *ns1 = NULL; axiom_xml_writer_t *xml_writer = NULL; axiom_output_t *om_output = NULL; axis2_char_t *buffer = NULL; ns1 = axiom_namespace_create (env, "tuscany/c/Calculator", "ns1"); Calculator_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, NULL, operation, ns1, &Calculator_om_node); text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, Calculator_om_node, "param1", NULL, &text_om_node); AXIOM_ELEMENT_SET_TEXT(text_om_ele, env, param1, text_om_node); text_om_ele = axiom_element_create(env, Calculator_om_node, "param2", NULL, &text_om_node); AXIOM_ELEMENT_SET_TEXT(text_om_ele, env, param2, text_om_node); xml_writer = axiom_xml_writer_create_for_memory(env, NULL, AXIS2_FALSE, AXIS2_FALSE, AXIS2_XML_PARSER_TYPE_BUFFER); om_output = axiom_output_create( env, xml_writer); AXIOM_NODE_SERIALIZE(Calculator_om_node, env, om_output); buffer = (axis2_char_t*)AXIOM_XML_WRITER_GET_XML(xml_writer, env); AXIS2_LOG_DEBUG(env->log, AXIS2_LOG_SI, "\nSending OM node in XML : %s \n", buffer); if(NULL != buffer) { AXIS2_FREE(env->allocator, buffer); buffer = NULL; } if(NULL != om_output) { AXIOM_OUTPUT_FREE(om_output, env); om_output = NULL; } return Calculator_om_node; }