/* * * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* $Rev$ $Date: 2005/12/22 16:54:14 $ */ #include "samples.h" using namespace std; void Query::sample() { cout << " ********** Query sample *******************" << endl; DataFactoryPtr mdg = DataFactory::getDataFactory(); /** * Create some types */ mdg->addType("myspace","Company"); mdg->addType("myspace","Department"); mdg->addType("myspace","Employee"); /* Now add the properties to the types...*/ const Type& tstring = mdg->getType("commonj.sdo","String"); const Type& tbool= mdg->getType("commonj.sdo","Boolean"); const Type& tint= mdg->getType("commonj.sdo","Integer"); const Type& tc = mdg->getType("myspace","Company"); const Type& td = mdg->getType("myspace","Department"); const Type& te = mdg->getType("myspace","Employee"); /** * The company */ mdg->addPropertyToType(tc,"name",tstring); // single string name mdg->addPropertyToType(tc,"departments", td,true); // many departments mdg->addPropertyToType(tc,"employee of the month" , te, false, false, false); // reference to employee /** * The department */ mdg->addPropertyToType(td,"name", tstring); // single string name mdg->addPropertyToType(td,"employees",te, true,false,true); // many employees /** * The employee */ mdg->addPropertyToType(te,"isFullTime",tbool); mdg->addPropertyToType(te,"employeeNumber",tint); mdg->addPropertyToType(te,"name",tstring); const Type& tcc = mdg->getType("myspace","Company"); DataObjectPtr dor = mdg->create((Type&)tcc); // The departments DataObjectPtr dept = dor->createDataObject("departments"); dept->setCString("name","Shipping"); DataObjectPtr dept2 = dor->createDataObject("departments"); dept2->setCString("name","Buying"); // The employees DataObjectPtr emp1 = dept->createDataObject("employees"); DataObjectPtr emp2 = dept->createDataObject("employees"); DataObjectPtr emp3 = dept->createDataObject("employees"); DataObjectPtr emp4 = dept2->createDataObject("employees"); emp1->setBoolean("isFullTime",true); emp1->setInteger("employeeNumber",65443); emp1->setCString("name","Norman"); emp2->setBoolean("isFullTime",false); emp2->setInteger("employeeNumber",64778); emp2->setCString("name","Carl"); emp3->setBoolean("isFullTime",true); emp3->setInteger("employeeNumber",61990); emp3->setCString("name","Amanda"); emp4->setBoolean("isFullTime",true); emp4->setInteger("employeeNumber",56789); emp4->setCString("name","Donna"); dor->setDataObject("employee of the month",emp4); // Donna is referenced. try { // access the first employee of the first department who is not full time DataObjectPtr dob1 = dor->getDataObject("departments[1]/employees[isFullTime=false]"); cout << "Carl should be the first part timer: " << dob1->getCString("name") << " is." <getDataObject("departments[1]/employees[2]"); cout << "Carl should be employees[2]:" << dob2->getCString("name") << " is." << endl; // use the dot notation to get the same employee DataObjectPtr dob3 = dor->getDataObject("departments.0/employees.1"); cout << "Carl should be employees.1:" << dob3->getCString("name") << " is." << endl; // get the reference... DataObjectPtr dob4 = dor->getDataObject("employee of the month"); cout << "Donna should be employee of the month:" << dob4->getCString("name") << " is." << endl; // And by employee number... DataObjectPtr dob5 = dor->getDataObject("departments[2]/employees[employeeNumber=56789]"); cout << "Donna should be employee 56789:" << dob5->getCString("name") << " is." << endl; // If the query yields no value because the element doesnt exist... try { DataObjectPtr dob6 = dor->getDataObject("departments[1]/employees[employeeNumber=56789]"); cout << "Did not get the expected exception" << endl; } catch (SDORuntimeException e) { cout << "Expected an IndexOutOfRangeException and got " << e.getEClassName() << endl; } // If the query yields no value because the path is invalid... try { DataObjectPtr dob7 = dor->getDataObject("departments[fish]/employees[0]"); cout << "Did not get the expected exception" << endl; } catch (SDORuntimeException e) { cout << "Expected an PathNotFoundException and got " << e.getEClassName() << endl; } } catch (SDORuntimeException e) { cout << "Unexpected error in Query " << e << endl; } cout << " ********** End Query Sample **************" << endl; }