Apache Tuscany > Home > SDO Java > Using SDO Java
Added by kelvin goodson, last edited by haleh mahbod on Apr 06, 2007  (view change)

Getting Started with using SDO Java

[Note: This could be part of user guide. If agreed, let's move it]

As an SDO user, you have (at least) three ways of establishing a Tuscany SDO runtime environment on your machine. In decreasing order of likelihood, you can either

  • download a binary distribution of a Tuscany Java SDO milestone release, and follow the instructions in the release archive
  • Or you can download a Tuscany source distribution, and follow the instruction in the release archive to recreate the corresponding binary release
  • or you can build from the svn repository source code, giving you the flexibility to base your runtime on the most recent code, or a particular level of your choice.

If you are going to take either of the latter two approaches you will need to establish a development environment.

For examples of how to use SDO, you can look at the documents or at the samples. If you have downloaded the source distribution, the sample code will be part of that distribution. If however you have downloaded a binary distribution, you'll need to go and download the sample source code as a separate archive.

Other sources of inspiration might come from the use of SDO within the Tuscany DAS and SCA code. When you come across issues, please look at and/or post to the Tuscany mailing lists.