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Welcome to Tuscany

Apache Tuscany simplifies the task of developing SOA solutions by providing a comprehensive infrastructure for SOA development and management that is based on Service Component Architecture (SCA) standard. With SCA as it's foundation, Tuscany offers solution developers the following advantages.

  • Provides a composition model that defines the services in a solution, such as fruit store, and how they interact with one another. Services that constitute a solution can be implemented using any technology.
  • Enables service developers to create reusable services that only contain business logic. Protocols are pushed out of business logic and are handled through pluggable bindings. This lowers development cost.
  • Applications that can easily adapt to infrastructure changes without recoding since protocols are handled via pluggable bindings and quality of services (transaction, security) are handled declaratively.
  • Existing applications can work with new SCA compositions enabling incremental growth towards a more flexible architecture.

In addition, Tuscany is integrated with various technologies and offers:

  • a wide range of bindings (pluggable protocols)
  • various component types including and not limited to Java, C++, BPEL, Spring and scripting
  • an end to end service and data solution which includes support for Jaxb and SDO
  • a lightweight runtime that works standalone or with other application servers
  • a modular architecture that makes it easy to integrate with different technologies and to extend
  • Integration with web20 technologies

Apache Tuscany SCA is implemented in Java and C++ (referred to as Native) . Learn more about SCA

Please join us to create a practical SOA infrastructure that addresses the challenges which small to large scale businesses face.

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(...making SOA easy)
A Tour of Tuscany Information Resources (Feb 01, 2009 13:07)

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