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The OASIS SCA Spec Tests are designed to run in a OSGi environment and below are some configuration necessary to properly import/run/debug the tests in Eclipse PDE environment

Generate Eclipse IDE project files

   mvn -Peclipse

To facilitate debug, use the following commands:

1) To generate sources for the Tuscany 2.x modules

mvn source:jar under sca-java-2.x/trunk/modules

2)To download source files, please use the following command

mvn -Peclipse -DdownloadSources=true

Configure TUSCANY_HOME pointing to where Tuscany distribution is available

   export TUSCANY_HOME=<tuscany checkout>/distribution/all/target/apache-tuscany-sca-all-2.0-SNAPSHOT.dir/tuscany-sca-2.0-SNAPSHOT

Optionally, you could also configure this as an VM argument on the Eclipse run configuration


Configure contribution location

There are various files containing the contribution location necessary to run the tests, these files are:


although it's currently configured with a relative path, you might need to configure the location based on your system
