
Interface Summary
ScopeContainer<KEY> Manages the lifecycle and visibility of instances associated with a an RuntimeComponent.
ScopeContainerFactory Factory to create ScopeContainer for components
ScopedImplementationProvider A component implementation can implement this interface to provide scope management for the components
ScopedRuntimeComponent Scoped runtime component
ScopeRegistry Manages ScopeContainers in the runtime

Class Summary
AbstractScopeContainer<KEY> Implements functionality common to scope contexts.
CompositeScopeContainer<KEY> A scope context which manages atomic component instances keyed by composite
ConversationalScopeContainer A scope context which manages atomic component instances keyed on ConversationID
HttpSessionScopeContainer A scope context which manages atomic component instances keyed on HTTP session
RequestScopeContainer A scope context which manages atomic component instances keyed on the current request context
Scope The default implementation scopes supported by assemblies.
ScopeRegistryImpl The default implementation of a scope registry
StatelessScopeContainer<KEY> A scope context which manages stateless atomic component instances in a non-pooled fashion.

Exception Summary
TargetDestructionException Denotes an error destroying a target
TargetInitializationException Denotes an error initializing a target
TargetNotFoundException Thrown when a target of an operation cannot be found
TargetResolutionException Denotes an error retrieving a target instance