
Interface Summary
ProxyFactory Creates proxies that implement Java interfaces and invocation handlers for fronting wires
ProxyFactoryExtensionPoint The extension point to plug in proxy factories

Class Summary
CallableReferenceObjectFactory Uses a wire to return a CallableReference
CallbackInterfaceInterceptor An interceptor applied to the forward direction of a wire that ensures the callback target implements the required service contract.
CallbackReferenceImpl<B> Returns proxy instance for a wire callback
CallbackReferenceObjectFactory Uses a wire to return a CallableReference
CallbackWireObjectFactory<B> Returns proxy instance for a wire callback
CglibProxyFactory The implementation of a wire service that uses cglib dynamic proxies
DefaultProxyFactoryExtensionPoint Default implementation of a ProxyFactoryExtensionPoint.
ExtensibleProxyFactory An extensible proxy factory.
ExtensibleWireProcessor The default implementation of an extensible WireProcessor
InvocationChainImpl Default implementation of an invocation chain
JDKCallbackInvocationHandler Responsible for dispatching to a callback through a wire.
JDKProxyFactory the default implementation of a wire service that uses JDK dynamic proxies
MessageFactoryImpl Implementation of MessageFactory.
MessageImpl The default implementation of a message flowed through a wire during an invocation
NonBlockingInterceptor Adds non-blocking behavior to an invocation chain
PhaseSorter<V> Directed, weighted graph
ThreadMessageContext Class for tunnelling a WorkContext through the invocation of a user class.
WireObjectFactory<T> Uses a wire to return an object instance

Exception Summary
NoMethodForOperationException Thrown when an cannot be mapped to a method on an interface
ProxyCreationException Denotes an error creating a proxy
TargetInvocationException Raised when an error is encountered during a target invocation