
Class Summary
DistributedSCABindingImpl The Distributed SCA binding wrapper for the SCA binding model object.
RemoteBindingHelper TODO: TUSCANY-2578, implement a pluggable mechanism so sca binding impls can add their own code to the decision on whether or not to use the remote binding provider.
RuntimeSCABindingProvider The local SCA Binding provider implementation.
RuntimeSCABindingProviderFactory The factory for creating SCA Binding providers
RuntimeSCAReferenceBindingProvider The sca reference binding provider mediates between the twin requirements of local sca bindings and remote sca bindings.
RuntimeSCAServiceBindingProvider The sca service binding provider mediates between the twin requirements of local sca bindings and remote sca bindings.
SCABindingFactoryImpl A factory for the SCA binding model.
SCABindingImpl The assembly mode object for an SCA binding.