Uses of Interface

Packages that use IntentAttachPoint   

Uses of IntentAttachPoint in

Subinterfaces of IntentAttachPoint in
 interface AbstractContract
          Interface contracts define one or more business functions.
 interface AbstractProperty
          A property allows for the configuration of an implementation with externally set data values.
 interface AbstractReference
          Represents a reference contract.
 interface AbstractService
          Represents a service contract.
 interface Binding
          Represents a binding.
 interface Callback
          Represents a callback object describing the bindings to use for callbacks.
 interface Component
          Represents a component.
 interface ComponentProperty
          Represents a configured property of a component.
 interface ComponentReference
          An instance of a reference associated with a particular component.
 interface ComponentService
          An addressable instance of a service associated with a particular component.
 interface ComponentType
          Describes an implementation and represents its configurable aspects.
 interface Composite
          Represents a composite.
 interface CompositeReference
          Represents composite reference.
 interface CompositeService
          Represents a composite service.
 interface ConstrainingType
          A constrainingType provides the "shape" for a component and its implementation.
 interface Contract
          Represents a contract.
 interface Implementation
          Represents a component implementation.
 interface Property
          A property allows for the configuration of an implementation with externally set data values.
 interface Reference
          Represents a reference.
 interface SCABinding
          Represents an SCA binding.
 interface Service
          Represents a service.
 interface Wire
          Represents a wire.

Uses of IntentAttachPoint in

Subinterfaces of IntentAttachPoint in
 interface PolicySetAttachPoint
          Base interface for all assembly model objects that can have policy sets attached to them.

Uses of IntentAttachPoint in

Subinterfaces of IntentAttachPoint in
 interface RuntimeComponent
          The runtime component interface.
 interface RuntimeComponentReference
          The runtime component reference.
 interface RuntimeComponentService
          The runtime component service.