Interface InterfaceContract

All Known Subinterfaces:
JavaInterfaceContract, WSDLInterfaceContract

public interface InterfaceContract

Interface contracts define one or more business functions. These business functions are provided by services and are used by references.

$Rev: 537404 $ $Date: 2007-05-12 13:51:42 +0100 (Sat, 12 May 2007) $

Method Summary
 Interface getCallbackInterface()
          Returns the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the provider to the requestor.
 Interface getInterface()
          Returns the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.
 void setCallbackInterface(Interface callbackInterface)
          Sets the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the provider to the requestor.
 void setInterface(Interface callInterface)
          Sets the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.

Method Detail


Interface getInterface()
Returns the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.

the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider


void setInterface(Interface callInterface)
Sets the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider.

callInterface - the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the requestor to the provider


Interface getCallbackInterface()
Returns the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the provider to the requestor.

the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the provider to the requestor.


void setCallbackInterface(Interface callbackInterface)
Sets the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the provider to the requestor.

callbackInterface - the interface definition representing the interface for invocations from the provider to the requestor.