
Class Summary
SCAApplicationContext An ApplicationContext specialization that registers namespace handlers for SCA elements - in particular the , and elements which are provided as SCA extensions to the Spring application context schema
ScaNamespaceHandler Handler for the <sca:> namespace in an application context
SCANamespaceHandlerResolver Overrides the default Spring namespace resolver to automatically register ScaNamespaceHandler instead of requiring a value to be supplied in a Spring configuration
ScaPropertyBeanDefinitionParser Parser for the <sca:reference> element
ScaReferenceBeanDefinitionParser Parser for the <sca:reference> element
ScaServiceBeanDefinitionParser Parser for the <sca:service/> element
SpringImplementation Represents a Spring implementation.
SpringImplementationProcessor SpringArtifactProcessor is responsible for processing the XML of an element in an SCA SCDL file.
SpringImplementationProvider A provider class for runtime Spring implementation instances
SpringImplementationProviderFactory ImplementationProviderFactory for Spring implementation type
SpringInvoker Initial implementation of a Spring bean invoker
SpringPropertyValueObjectFactory Factory class for PropertyValueObjects for Spring implementations 6th May 2007: Chosen a very simple design for this class - since Spring implementations are a form of Java POJO, the simple design chosen for this class is to re-use the PropertyValueObjectFactory implementation from the base implementation-java-runtime package of Tuscany SCA Java, since the same properties are going to be rendered in the same way to simple Tuscany POJOs and to Spring Bean POJOs.

Exception Summary