
Interface Summary
ContextInjector<S,T> Implementations inject a pre-configured context type (interface) on an instance.
Injector<T> Implementations inject a pre-configured value on an instance
ResourceHost Interface implemented by host environments that allow for resolution of component implementation resources, e.g.

Class Summary
ArrayMultiplicityObjectFactory Resolves targets configured in a multiplicity by delegating to object factories and returning an Array containing object instances
ConversationIDObjectFactory Object Factory that is used to retrieve the ConversationID from the Message on the ThreadMessageContext.
FieldInjector<T> Injects a value created by an ObjectFactory on a given field
ListMultiplicityObjectFactory Resolves targets configured in a multiplicity by delegating to object factories and returning an List containing object instances
MethodInjector<T> Injects a value created by an ObjectFactory using a given method
RequestContextObjectFactory Creates instances of RequestContextImpl for injection on component implementation instances
ResourceObjectFactory<T> Resolves a runtime resource to be injected on a field or method of a Java component type marked with Resource.

Exception Summary
InjectionRuntimeException Root unchecked exception for the injection package
ResourceNotFoundException Denotes an exception thrown when a runtime resource is not found