
Class Summary
BPELDocumentProcessor BPEL document processor responsible for reading a BPEL file and producing necessary model info about it TODO: The namespaces for WS-BPEL include 2 versions - only the earlier BPEL 1.1 versions are supported at present - the BPEL 2.0 namespaces also need support.
BPELImplementationProcessor Implements a StAX artifact processor for BPEL implementations.
BPELImportElement Represents an element in a BPEL process - this has attributes: location importType namespace
BPELPartnerLinkElement Represents a element in a BPEL process - this has attributes: name partnerLinkType myRole partnerRole - plus zero or more property elements as children The partnerlink may also be given an SCA Type - either of service or of reference - this must generally be calculated and set on the partnerLink by inspecting the BPEL process
BPELPartnerLinkTypeElement Represents a element related to a BPEL process - this has attributes: name Role1 name Role1 portType Role2 name Role2 portType - in the XML the 2 roles are child elements of the partnerLinkType element, but there seems little point in reflecting this back into this model - it is simpler to include both roles within the representation of the partnerLinkType itself