
Interface Summary
ArtifactProcessor<M> Base interface for artifact processors.
ArtifactProcessorExtensionPoint<P extends ArtifactProcessor> An extension point for artifact processors.
PackageProcessor Interface for contribution package processors Package processors understand the format of the contribution and how to get the artifacts in the contribution.
PackageProcessorExtensionPoint An extension point for package processors
StAXArtifactProcessor<M> An artifact processor that can read models from a StAX XMLStreamReader.
StAXArtifactProcessorExtensionPoint An extension point for StAX artifact processors.
StAXAttributeProcessor<M> An artifact processor that can read attributes from a StAX XMLStreamReader.
StAXAttributeProcessorExtensionPoint An extension point for StAX artifact processors.
URLArtifactProcessor<M> An artifact processor that can read models from a URL.
URLArtifactProcessorExtensionPoint An extension point for URL artifact processors.
ValidationSchemaExtensionPoint An extension point for XML schemas used for validation.

Class Summary
BaseStAXArtifactProcessor A base class with utility methods for the other artifact processors in this module.
BaseStAXArtifactProcessor.XAttr Represents an XML attribute that needs to be written to a document.
DefaultPackageProcessorExtensionPoint Default implementation of a package processor extension point.
DefaultStAXArtifactProcessorExtensionPoint The default implementation of an extension point for StAX artifact processors.
DefaultStAXAttributeProcessorExtensionPoint The default implementation of an extension point for StAX artifact processors.
DefaultURLArtifactProcessorExtensionPoint The default implementation of a URL artifact processor extension point.
DefaultValidatingXMLInputFactory Default implementation of an XMLInputFactory that creates validating XMLStreamReaders.
DefaultValidationSchemaExtensionPoint Default implementation of an extension point for XML schemas.
ExtensiblePackageProcessor Implementation of an extensible package processor.
ExtensibleStAXArtifactProcessor Implementation of an extensible StAX artifact processor.
ExtensibleStAXAttributeProcessor Implementation of an extensible StAX attribute processor.
ExtensibleURLArtifactProcessor Implementation of an extensible URL artifact processor.
ValidatingXMLInputFactory Base marker class for validating XML input factories.