Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataType   

Uses of DataType in

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType<?> ExceptionHandler.getFaultType(DataType exceptionDataType)
          Introspect an exception class to figure out the fault data type
 DataType TransformationContext.getSourceDataType()
          Get the source data type
 DataType TransformationContext.getTargetDataType()
          Get the target data type
 DataType DataBinding.introspect(java.lang.Object value)
          Introspect the data to figure out the corresponding data type
 DataType DataBindingExtensionPoint.introspectType(java.lang.Object value)
          Introspect the value to figure out the corresponding DataType
 DataType DefaultDataBindingExtensionPoint.introspectType(java.lang.Object value)

Methods in with parameters of type DataType
 java.lang.Exception ExceptionHandler.createException(DataType<DataType> exceptionType, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object faultInfo, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Create an exception to wrap the fault data
 DataType<?> ExceptionHandler.getFaultType(DataType exceptionDataType)
          Introspect an exception class to figure out the fault data type
 boolean DataBinding.introspect(DataType dataType, java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] annotations)
          Introspect and populate information to a DataType model
 boolean DataBindingExtensionPoint.introspectType(DataType dataType, java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] annotations)
          Introspect the java class to figure out what DataType supports it
 boolean DefaultDataBindingExtensionPoint.introspectType(DataType dataType, java.lang.annotation.Annotation[] annotations)
 java.lang.Object Mediator.mediate(java.lang.Object source, DataType sourceDataType, DataType targetDataType, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> context)
          Mediate the data from the source type to the target type
 java.lang.Object Mediator.mediate(java.lang.Object source, DataType sourceDataType, DataType targetDataType, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> context)
          Mediate the data from the source type to the target type
 void Mediator.mediate(java.lang.Object source, java.lang.Object target, DataType sourceDataType, DataType targetDataType, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> context)
          Mediate the source data into the target which is a sink to receive the data
 void Mediator.mediate(java.lang.Object source, java.lang.Object target, DataType sourceDataType, DataType targetDataType, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> context)
          Mediate the source data into the target which is a sink to receive the data
 void TransformationContext.setSourceDataType(DataType sourceDataType)
          Set the source data type
 void TransformationContext.setTargetDataType(DataType targetDataType)
          Set the target data type

Method parameters in with type arguments of type DataType
 java.lang.Exception ExceptionHandler.createException(DataType<DataType> exceptionType, java.lang.String message, java.lang.Object faultInfo, java.lang.Throwable cause)
          Create an exception to wrap the fault data

Uses of DataType in

Methods in that return DataType
 DataType<java.util.List<DataType>> Operation.getInputType()
          Get the data type that represents the input of this operation.
 DataType Operation.getOutputType()
          Get the data type for the output

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DataType
 java.util.List<DataType> Operation.getFaultTypes()
          Get a list of data types to represent the faults/exceptions
 DataType<java.util.List<DataType>> Operation.getInputType()
          Get the data type that represents the input of this operation.

Methods in with parameters of type DataType
 boolean InterfaceContractMapper.isCompatible(DataType source, DataType target, boolean remotable)
          Test if the source data type is compatible with the target data type.
 boolean InterfaceContractMapper.isCompatible(DataType source, DataType target, boolean remotable)
          Test if the source data type is compatible with the target data type.
 void Operation.setInputType(DataType<java.util.List<DataType>> inputType)
 void Operation.setOutputType(DataType outputType)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type DataType
 void Operation.setFaultTypes(java.util.List<DataType> faultTypes)
 void Operation.setInputType(DataType<java.util.List<DataType>> inputType)