
Interface Summary
ContributionMetadataLoader Loader responsible to process the contribution metadata loader
ContributionRepository Contribution repository
ContributionService Service interface that manages artifacts contributed to a Tuscany runtime.
TypeDescriber Provide content type for a given resource

Exception Summary
AbstractContributionException The root checked exception for the Contribution Service.
ContributionException Base class for exceptions raised by contribution services.
ContributionMetadataLoaderException Denotes an exception while processing the contribution metadata
ContributionReadException Denotes an exception while reading artifacts inside an SCA contribution.
ContributionResolveException Denotes a problem while resolving models inside an SCA contribution.
ContributionRuntimeException Base class for runtime exceptions raised by contribution services.
ContributionWireException Denotes a problem while wiring models inside an SCA contribution.
ContributionWriteException Denotes an exception while writing artifacts inside an SCA contribution.
InvalidConfigurationException Denotes an invalid configuration artifact
UnrecognizedElementException Exception that indicates an element was encountered that could not be handled.
UnsupportedContentTypeException Exception thrown to indicate that a Content-Type is not supported by this SCA Domain.