Annotation Type Integrity

public @interface Integrity

Annotation denoting the intent that service operations require integrity.

Applied to the injection site (field, method or constructor parameter) for a reference, it indicates that all invocations through that reference require integrity.

Applied to a interface method on a service contract, it indicates that all invocations of that service operation require integrity; applied to the type of a service contract, it indicates that all service operations on that interface require integrity.

Applied to a method on an implementation class, it indicates that all invocations that are dispatched to that implementation method (through any service) require integrity. Applied to a interface implemented by an implementation class, it indicates that all invocations that are dispatched to the implementation method for that interface operation require integrity.

Applied to an implementation class, it indicates that all invocations of that implementation and that all invocations made by that implementation require integrity.

$Rev: 537744 $ $Date: 2007-05-14 09:00:18 +0100 (Mon, 14 May 2007) $

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String[] value
          List of integrity qualifiers (such as "message" or "transport").


public abstract java.lang.String[] value
List of integrity qualifiers (such as "message" or "transport").

integrity qualifiers