Interface ComponentContext

public interface ComponentContext

Interface providing programmatic access to a component's SCA context as an alternative to injection. It provides access to reference and property values for the component and provides a mechanism for obtaining a reference to a service that can be passed to other components.

SCA components obtain an instance of this interface through injection. Non-SCA client code may also obtain an instance through runtime-specific mechanisms.

$Rev: 512440 $ $Date: 2007-02-27 22:08:01 +0000 (Tue, 27 Feb 2007) $

Method Summary
<B,R extends CallableReference<B>>
cast(B target)
          Cast a type-safe reference to a CallableReference.
<B> ServiceReference<B>
createSelfReference(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface)
          Returns a ServiceReference that can be used to invoke this component over the default service.
<B> ServiceReference<B>
createSelfReference(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface, java.lang.String serviceName)
          Returns a ServiceReference that can be used to invoke this component over the designated service.
<B> B
getProperty(java.lang.Class<B> type, java.lang.String propertyName)
          Returns the value of an SCA property defined by this component.
 RequestContext getRequestContext()
          Returns the context for the current SCA service request, or null if there is no current request or if the context is unavailable.
<B> B
getService(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface, java.lang.String referenceName)
          Returns a proxy for a reference defined by this component.
<B> ServiceReference<B>
getServiceReference(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface, java.lang.String referenceName)
          Returns a ServiceReference for a reference defined by this component.
 java.lang.String getURI()
          Returns the absolute URI of the component within the SCA Domain.

Method Detail


java.lang.String getURI()
Returns the absolute URI of the component within the SCA Domain.

the absolute URI of the component


<B,R extends CallableReference<B>> R cast(B target)
                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Cast a type-safe reference to a CallableReference. Converts a type-safe reference to an equivalent CallableReference; if the target refers to a service then a ServiceReference will be returned, if the target refers to a callback then a CallableReference will be returned.

Type Parameters:
B - the Java type of the business interface for the reference
R - the type of reference to be returned
target - a reference proxy provided by the SCA runtime
a CallableReference equivalent for the proxy
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the supplied instance is not a reference supplied by the SCA runtime


<B> B getService(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface,
                 java.lang.String referenceName)
Returns a proxy for a reference defined by this component.

Type Parameters:
B - the Java type of the business interface for the reference
businessInterface - the interface that will be used to invoke the service
referenceName - the name of the reference
an object that implements the business interface


<B> ServiceReference<B> getServiceReference(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface,
                                            java.lang.String referenceName)
Returns a ServiceReference for a reference defined by this component.

Type Parameters:
B - the Java type of the business interface for the reference
businessInterface - the interface that will be used to invoke the service
referenceName - the name of the reference
a ServiceReference for the designated reference


<B> B getProperty(java.lang.Class<B> type,
                  java.lang.String propertyName)
Returns the value of an SCA property defined by this component.

Type Parameters:
B - the Java type of the property
type - the Java type to be returned for the property
propertyName - the name of the property whose value should be returned
the property value


<B> ServiceReference<B> createSelfReference(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface)
Returns a ServiceReference that can be used to invoke this component over the default service.

Type Parameters:
B - the Java type of the business interface for the reference
businessInterface - the interface that will be used to invoke the service
a ServiceReference that will invoke this component


<B> ServiceReference<B> createSelfReference(java.lang.Class<B> businessInterface,
                                            java.lang.String serviceName)
Returns a ServiceReference that can be used to invoke this component over the designated service.

Type Parameters:
B - the Java type of the business interface for the reference
businessInterface - the interface that will be used to invoke the service
serviceName - the name of the service to invoke
a ServiceReference that will invoke this component


RequestContext getRequestContext()
Returns the context for the current SCA service request, or null if there is no current request or if the context is unavailable.

the SCA request context; may be null