Tuscany Service Data Object (SDO) Sample Programs


Apache Tuscany SDO samples are provided here to help users learn SDO. The index by SDO subject areas lists the different samples available to you. These samples provide a starting point for learning SDO and can be extended and enhanced to experiment with other available SDO features. Please help us enhance these samples by sending your feedback to Tuscany mailing list or join us and contribute to this project.

These samples are coded to the SDO 2.1 API defined here

These samples provide a place to begin learning and experimenting with the SDO API and programming model. Developers are encouraged to extend and experiment with the current set of samples. If a sample is unclear, is missing documentation, or does not cover a desired area, please send feedback to the Tuscany mailing lists, or better still send us a patch or join the Tuscany team and contribute back to the project.

Running the Samples from a Binary Distribution of Apache Tuscany

The SDO samples have been written to be useful in learning SDO, even without reference to the sample source code. The samples output commentary as they execute and key lines of source code are output too. One of the sample programs (ExecuteSamples) executes all the other samples in sequence. The binary distribution includes the sample source code too, so that you can investigate further if you wish.

The binary distribution of Tuscany contains a pair of scripts to execute the ExecuteSamples program (runsamples.bat and runsamples.sh). To execute the samples first locate the appropriate script for your environment in the samples directory of the binary distribution and set the value of the BINARY_BASE variable to be the directory in your file system that contains the lib and samples directories. Then run the script and take a look at the output. After that, copy and modify the script to suit your own purposes in running the other samples.

Running the Samples from a Source Distribution of Apache Tuscany

The samples depend on the following libraries

If you are running these samples as a result of building Tuscany SDO for Java from a Tuscany source distribution using maven then these dependencies will be resolved by having followed the instructions in the BUILDING file at the root of the source distribution.