/** * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.example.extensible.customer.impl; import com.example.extensible.customer.CustomerFactory; import com.example.extensible.customer.CustomerType; import com.example.extensible.customer.InfoType; import commonj.sdo.Type; import java.math.BigInteger; import org.apache.tuscany.sdo.impl.DataObjectBase; /** * * An implementation of the model object 'Type'. * *

* The following features are implemented: *


* * @generated */ public class CustomerTypeImpl extends DataObjectBase implements CustomerType { public final static int NAME = 0; public final static int NUMBER = 1; public final static int INFO = 2; public final static int SDO_PROPERTY_COUNT = 3; public final static int EXTENDED_PROPERTY_COUNT = 0; /** * The internal feature id for the 'Name' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ public final static int INTERNAL_NAME = 0; /** * The internal feature id for the 'Number' attribute. * * * @generated * @ordered */ public final static int INTERNAL_NUMBER = 1; /** * The internal feature id for the 'Info' containment reference. * * * @generated * @ordered */ public final static int INTERNAL_INFO = 2; /** * The number of properties for this type. * * * @generated * @ordered */ public final static int INTERNAL_PROPERTY_COUNT = 3; protected int internalConvertIndex(int internalIndex) { switch (internalIndex) { case INTERNAL_NAME: return NAME; case INTERNAL_NUMBER: return NUMBER; case INTERNAL_INFO: return INFO; } return super.internalConvertIndex(internalIndex); } /** * The default value of the '{@link #getName() Name}' attribute. * * * @see #getName() * @generated * @ordered */ protected static final String NAME_DEFAULT_ = null; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getName() Name}' attribute. * * * @see #getName() * @generated * @ordered */ protected String name = NAME_DEFAULT_; /** * This is true if the Name attribute has been set. * * * @generated * @ordered */ protected boolean name_set_ = false; /** * The default value of the '{@link #getNumber() Number}' attribute. * * * @see #getNumber() * @generated * @ordered */ protected static final BigInteger NUMBER_DEFAULT_ = null; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getNumber() Number}' attribute. * * * @see #getNumber() * @generated * @ordered */ protected BigInteger number = NUMBER_DEFAULT_; /** * This is true if the Number attribute has been set. * * * @generated * @ordered */ protected boolean number_set_ = false; /** * The cached value of the '{@link #getInfo() Info}' containment reference. * * * @see #getInfo() * @generated * @ordered */ protected InfoType info = null; /** * This is true if the Info containment reference has been set. * * * @generated * @ordered */ protected boolean info_set_ = false; /** * * * @generated */ public CustomerTypeImpl() { super(); } /** * * * @generated */ public Type getStaticType() { return ((CustomerFactoryImpl)CustomerFactory.INSTANCE).getCustomerType(); } /** * * * @generated */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * * * @generated */ public void setName(String newName) { String oldName = name; name = newName; boolean oldName_set_ = name_set_; name_set_ = true; if (isNotifying()) notify(ChangeKind.SET, INTERNAL_NAME, oldName, name, !oldName_set_); } /** * * * @generated */ public void unsetName() { String oldName = name; boolean oldName_set_ = name_set_; name = NAME_DEFAULT_; name_set_ = false; if (isNotifying()) notify(ChangeKind.UNSET, INTERNAL_NAME, oldName, NAME_DEFAULT_, oldName_set_); } /** * * * @generated */ public boolean isSetName() { return name_set_; } /** * * * @generated */ public BigInteger getNumber() { return number; } /** * * * @generated */ public void setNumber(BigInteger newNumber) { BigInteger oldNumber = number; number = newNumber; boolean oldNumber_set_ = number_set_; number_set_ = true; if (isNotifying()) notify(ChangeKind.SET, INTERNAL_NUMBER, oldNumber, number, !oldNumber_set_); } /** * * * @generated */ public void unsetNumber() { BigInteger oldNumber = number; boolean oldNumber_set_ = number_set_; number = NUMBER_DEFAULT_; number_set_ = false; if (isNotifying()) notify(ChangeKind.UNSET, INTERNAL_NUMBER, oldNumber, NUMBER_DEFAULT_, oldNumber_set_); } /** * * * @generated */ public boolean isSetNumber() { return number_set_; } /** * * * @generated */ public InfoType getInfo() { return info; } /** * * * @generated */ public ChangeContext basicSetInfo(InfoType newInfo, ChangeContext changeContext) { InfoType oldInfo = info; info = newInfo; boolean oldInfo_set_ = info_set_; info_set_ = true; if (isNotifying()) { addNotification(this, ChangeKind.SET, INTERNAL_INFO, oldInfo, newInfo, !oldInfo_set_, changeContext); } return changeContext; } /** * * * @generated */ public void setInfo(InfoType newInfo) { if (newInfo != info) { ChangeContext changeContext = null; if (info != null) changeContext = inverseRemove(info, this, OPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - INTERNAL_INFO, null, changeContext); if (newInfo != null) changeContext = inverseAdd(newInfo, this, OPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - INTERNAL_INFO, null, changeContext); changeContext = basicSetInfo(newInfo, changeContext); if (changeContext != null) dispatch(changeContext); } else { boolean oldInfo_set_ = info_set_; info_set_ = true; if (isNotifying()) notify(ChangeKind.SET, INTERNAL_INFO, newInfo, newInfo, !oldInfo_set_); } } /** * * * @generated */ public ChangeContext basicUnsetInfo(ChangeContext changeContext) { InfoType oldInfo = info; info = null; boolean oldInfo_set_ = info_set_; info_set_ = false; if (isNotifying()) { addNotification(this, ChangeKind.UNSET, INTERNAL_INFO, oldInfo, null, !oldInfo_set_, changeContext); } return changeContext; } /** * * * @generated */ public void unsetInfo() { if (info != null) { ChangeContext changeContext = null; changeContext = inverseRemove(info, this, EOPPOSITE_FEATURE_BASE - INTERNAL_INFO, null, changeContext); changeContext = basicUnsetInfo(changeContext); if (changeContext != null) dispatch(changeContext); } else { boolean oldInfo_set_ = info_set_; info_set_ = false; if (isNotifying()) notify(ChangeKind.UNSET, INTERNAL_INFO, null, null, oldInfo_set_); } } /** * * * @generated */ public boolean isSetInfo() { return info_set_; } /** * * * @generated */ public ChangeContext inverseRemove(Object otherEnd, int propertyIndex, ChangeContext changeContext) { switch (propertyIndex) { case INFO: return basicUnsetInfo(changeContext); } return super.inverseRemove(otherEnd, propertyIndex, changeContext); } /** * * * @generated */ public Object get(int propertyIndex, boolean resolve) { switch (propertyIndex) { case NAME: return getName(); case NUMBER: return getNumber(); case INFO: return getInfo(); } return super.get(propertyIndex, resolve); } /** * * * @generated */ public void set(int propertyIndex, Object newValue) { switch (propertyIndex) { case NAME: setName((String)newValue); return; case NUMBER: setNumber((BigInteger)newValue); return; case INFO: setInfo((InfoType)newValue); return; } super.set(propertyIndex, newValue); } /** * * * @generated */ public void unset(int propertyIndex) { switch (propertyIndex) { case NAME: unsetName(); return; case NUMBER: unsetNumber(); return; case INFO: unsetInfo(); return; } super.unset(propertyIndex); } /** * * * @generated */ public boolean isSet(int propertyIndex) { switch (propertyIndex) { case NAME: return isSetName(); case NUMBER: return isSetNumber(); case INFO: return isSetInfo(); } return super.isSet(propertyIndex); } /** * * * @generated */ public String toString() { if (isProxy(this)) return super.toString(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(super.toString()); result.append(" (name: "); if (name_set_) result.append(name); else result.append(""); result.append(", number: "); if (number_set_) result.append(number); else result.append(""); result.append(')'); return result.toString(); } } //CustomerTypeImpl