Tuscany SDO for C++ Design Notes

See the 'live' verson of these notes at http://wiki.apache.org/ws/Tuscany/TuscanyCpp/DesignNotes

1. Logging

Logging is not mentioned in the V2.01 specification, however, a rudimentary logging capability is provided in the current implementation, using three classes.

In the current implementation, logging is seldom used.

2. Conversion from C style strings to C++ style strings

3. Debugging the XML parser

SDO uses the SAX parser provided by libxml2 ([WWW] http://xmlsoft.org/index.html) to parse XML documents (and therefore XSD documents also). The SAX parser uses a callback mechanism to report XML events to its caller. These callback routines are supplied to the parser using a struct of type xmlSAXHandler, called SDOSAX2Handler that is defined in SAX2Parser.cpp. However, since libxml2 is written in C and operates with no knowledge of objects or classes, it is necessary to bridge the gap between libxml2's C-style call back mechanism and the objects that comprise SDO. This is done as follows.

The file SAX2Parser.cpp defines (C style) functions for all the callback routines required by libxml2. Looking through that file, it is clear that many of those functions, such as sdo_internalSubset(), are empty, meaning that SDO will simply ignore that particular event if it is reported by libxml2. Where a callback function is not empty, the active contents usually take the form of a call such as

(SAX2Parser*) ctx)->startDocument()

This call is forwarding the event reported by libxml2 to a method within a parser object created by SDO.

To understand this, we have to step back a little. A client of libxml2 initiates the parse of an XML instance by calling the xmlSAXUserParseFile() function. This function takes three parameters. The first is the struct containing the list of callback functions (ie SDOSAX2Handler) and the third is the name of the XML file to parse. The second parameter is of type void* and is not used by libxml2 directly. However, it is passed to every callback functon that libxml2 calls as part of this parse to supply them with whatever context information it represents. In Tuscany SDO that context is in fact a pointer to an object that implements the appropriate parsing of the file and these objects are instances of one of two classes, both of which are derived from a common base. The base class is SAX2Parser, and that defines virtual methods to handle events returned by libxml2. (In fact it defines methods for that subset of the events that SDO will use.) The two concrete classes are SDOSAX2Parser and SDOSchemaSAX2Parser. The former is used when parsing XML instance documents and the latter when parsing XML Schema Definitions. Both classes re-implement the methods that process SAX events to handle them in the appropriate way for either XML or XSD.

Therefore, the overall process for parsing an XML or XSD input document and generating the corresponding data object or meta data structures in SDO as follows.

1. Create an instance of SDOSAX2Parser for parsing XML instance documents or an instance of SDOSchemaSAX2Parser for parsing an XSD document.

2. Pass the address of the SAX2Parser object just created to libxml2 as the context parameter of the xmlSAXUserParseFile() function.

3. As the parse unfolds, libxml2 will use the SDOSAX2Handler struct to call the callback function that is appropriate for each event that it is reporting. These will be C functions in SAX2Parser.cpp

4. Many of those functions will simply return having done nothing because SDO has no interest in that particular event. However, when a SAX event is of interest, the C callback function will use the context parameter that libxml2 has supplied to it (ie the address of a SAX2Parser object) to call the method on that object that corresponds to the current SAX event.


To watch the parsing of a file as it unfolds there are three broad options. If the file is an XSD then place breakpoints on the methods of SDOSchemaSAX2Parser. If it is an XML instance then set breakpoints on the methods of SDOSAX2Parser. If it could be either, then place breakpoints on the C functions that are named in SDOSAX2Handler and that are found in SAX2Parser.cpp

4. Modifying the SDO Build to use the Apache stdcxx Standard C++ library

stdcxx is an implementation of the C++ Standard Library provided by Apache. The website is at [WWW] http://incubator.apache.org/stdcxx/.

To build SDO using stdcxx rather than the native C++ library on Windows, the following modifications to the Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 build environment are necessary. We assume that a source extract of stdcxx is already available in a directory called C:\Tuscany\stdcxx-4.1.3 (based on the version number of the current release at the time of writing). We also assume that debug and release versions of this library have been built in directories called C:\Tuscany\stdcxx-4.1.3\Debug and C:\Tuscany\stdcxx-4.1.3\Release. The process for building these is described here HowToBuildStdcxxForTuscanySDO.txt

1. Define an environment variable, STDCXX_HOME to identify the root of the source extract tree ie C:\Tuscany\stdcxx-4.1.3

This is not strictly necessary but is convenient given how often we will refer to that location.

2. Add the stdcxx include directories to the appropriate search path. These directories are

For MSVC 7.1 these should be appended to the list found in Configuration Properties -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories

3. Add environment variable definitions. These variables are

4. Add the stdcxx library directory to the appropriate search path. This directory is

For MSVC 7.1 these should be appended to the list found in Configuration Properties -> Linker -> General -> Additional Library Directories

5. Add the stdcxx library name as a dependency. The library name is

For MSVC 7.1 these should be appended to the list found in Configuration Properties -> Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies

5. Discriminated Types

Prior to the changes introduced in revision 502599, in response to JIRA TUSCANY-546, the C++ implementation made extensive use of C style macros, particularly in DataObjectImpl.cpp. This code had been motivated by the requirement for SDO to process a variety of different data types (integer, float, string etc) in very similar ways. Unfortunately, while macro code makes it easy to clone behaviour by instantiating the macro for different datatypes, it has several disdavantages. By far the most serious is the impossibility of debugging code that has been generated by the macro preprocessor, closely followed by the fact that most non-trivial macros are difficult to read and understand. These twin problems lead onto the common result that macro generated code is often inefficient.

TUSCANY-546 remedies these problems by introducing a new class, SDOValue, defined in SDOValue.cpp and SDOValue.h. This class consists fundamentally of a union of all the possible data types that SDO must accommmodate, together with an enumerated type that identifies which particular data type is stored in the current object. The union and enumeration are themselves defined in DataTypeInfo.cpp and DataTypeInfo.h.

Not surprisingly, SDOValue provides constructors to initialise an SDOValue object from any of the primitive data types. There are also retrieval methods that will extract a primitive value from an SDOValue, converting as necessary (and throwing an exception for those conversions that are impossible). For the most part these methods are straightforward. The only slight complications arise when dealing with primitives that are strings of characters. There are three such data types -

String: This is a null terminated sequence of single byte characters. It corresponds to the C notion of a string, and the C++ std::string class.

WideString: This is a null terminated sequence of double byte characters. In C++ this might be represented by the std::wstring class, although in this implementation it is represented in the C fashion, using a pointer to a null terminated sequence of wchar_t elements.

ByteArray: A sequence of bytes that is not terminated by a null character. An associated length value is therefore required.

SDOValue objects represent such values with pointers to other objects or allocations of memory, therefore, copy operators and destructors must allow for the need to copy or delete the items that are at the far end of these pointers.

From then on, the general strategy is straightforward. All methods that are part of the SDO external interface must be preserved. However, as far as possible, other methods that used to be replicated (by macro expansion) for each different datatype, are replaced by a single method that works with SDOValue objects. Where it is necessary to work with the actual primitive data type explicitly, this is normally done via a switch statement. The external methods that were previously generated by macro expansion are replaced by explicit code that is little more than a veneer that converts between the SDOValue that is used internally and the primitive data type that is required by the public interface. Numerous examples of this appear in DataObjectImpl.cpp, the getBoolean and setBoolean methods being typical.

Code to convert between the various primitive data types is already available in the TypeImpl class. However, this is not ideal since a) as coded it is dependent on the TypeImpl class, even though that isn't strictly necessary and therefore b) it tends to bloat the already large TypeImpl class. The SDOValue code provides it's own conversion methods in the SDODataConverter class. The intention is to migrate all conversions in SDO to the methods in that class, however, that transition is not yet complete.

last edited 28.02.2007 13:24:53 by GeoffWinn