Running contributions using the Tuscany Shell


To execute a sample contribution from the command line without needing to write any runtime launcher code you can use the Tuscany shell. The Shell provides a simple tool for loading and running SCA contributions.


The shell can be started using the tuscany.bat (windows) or (linux) scripts provided in the /bin directory of the binary distribution. You can provide the name of a contribution as an argument in the following way


  bin/tuscany.bat location_of_contribution


The getting-started\helloworld contribution is a good contribution to start with if you want to give this a go. First change directory to the root of the Tuscany binary distribution. Then;


on Windows:


  bin\tuscany.bat samples\getting-started\helloworld


on Linux:


  bin/ samples/getting-started/helloworld


Once the Shell has started with one of those methods you can use Shell commands to explore

the SCA domain, for example, use the "installed" command to get the status of installed contributions, "services" to see the available component services, and you may test calling the helloworld service by using the "invoke" command:


   invoke HelloworldComponent sayHello yourName


TODO – add more instructions on how to use the shell