Running the Tuscany runtime from Ant


If you're an Ant user it's handy to be able to deploy and run a contribution from an Ant script. This sample re-use the calculator-composite.jar and runs it using the Tuscany shell started from an Ant script.


To run the sample :


cd ant



You will of course need to have Ant ( installed. This sample was created with Ant version 1.8.0.


In the build.xml there are several different targets. Each describes a different way of constructing the Java classpath to include the correct Tuscany jars.





Includes a single manifest jar on the classpath which in turn references all of the jars in the binary distribution's modules directory


For the Ant user Tuscany ships with predefined Ant paths for each of the Tuscany extensions.


For completeness we also ship manifest jars for the Tuscany base and each of the extensions


If you want to re-package Tuscany we ship stand-alone jars for the Tuscany base and extensions


The sample build.xml file defaults to running the run-all-manifest-jar target. To run other targets add the name of the target to then end of the command line. For example,


ant run-base-extension-paths