Apache Tuscany Sample Applications

Thank you for your interest in Apache Tuscany in using the Service Component Architecture (SCA) for building applications. This package contains a number of samples that illustrate some of the core concepts in SCA and shows how to build and run them using Apache Tuscany.


The samples assume that you have certain tools in your local environment, specifically:

To run the web application samples you will also require a J2EE 1.4 web container such as Apache Tomcat 5.5

Getting Started

Many of the samples use pre-built SCA composites that implement the services they are using. These need to be built before any of the individual samples. To do this run:

$ mvn install

from this directory.

Please see the common module for information on these composites.

Standalone Samples

These sample applications are intended to be run in a standalone environment in conjunction with an installed version of Apache Tuscany. You can download a distribution from http://people.apache.org/dist/incubator/tuscany/java/sca/

Please see the standalone module for specific details on running these samples.

Web Application Samples

These sample applications are intended to be run in a standard web container such as Apache Tomcat or Jetty. The projects for these use a Maven plugin to package a standard WAR file that can then be deployed to the web container using its standard deployment tools. An Apache Tuscany distribution does not need to be included on your local machine as the Tuscany runtime is automatically downloaded by the Maven plugin.

Please see the webapp module for specific details on running these samples.

Frequently Asked Questions

Help! Something is not working right ...

Please see the faq page in this directory for more information. Additional help may also be found on the project wiki

You can also contact the project members directly on the mailing list tuscany-user@ws.apache.org