Hello World REST Sample ======================= Sample Overview --------------- The service 'HelloWorldService' is exposed using the REST binding. helloworld-jsonrpc-webapp/ src/ main/ java/ helloworldjsonrpc/ HelloWorldService.java - service interface HelloWorldServiceImpl.java - service implementation ClientTestServiceWebapp.java - Test class; uses java.net.HttpURLConnection to make 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST requests resources/ rest.composite - the SCA assembly for this sample webapp META-INF/ sca-contribution.xml - specifies the composite to be deployed WEB-INF/ web.xml - defines the listener that starts up the Tuscany SCA runtime pom.xml - the Maven build file Build the sample using Maven. A war 'helloworld-rest-webapp.war' will be created in the target directory. Deploy it in your web container. You can access the service from the browser by making a simple GET request using the following URL: http://:/helloworld-rest-webapp/HelloWorldService/helloworld/getname Use the test class 'ClientTestServiceWebapp' to test PUT, POST operations.