path: root/tags/site-090106-pre667/site-publish/sca_index.html
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Diffstat (limited to 'tags/site-090106-pre667/site-publish/sca_index.html')
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- <a name="Service Component Architecture"><strong>Service Component Architecture</strong></a>
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- <tr><td>
- <blockquote>
- <p> SCA provides developers with a simple, business-oriented, model for creating systems based on a service oriented
- architecture. It manages infrastructure complexities such as transactions, security and reliable
- messaging and frees the developer to focus on providing business function. The solutions developed
- using SCA can be changed declaratively to alter infrastructure capabilities or application configuration
- properties to meet changing business requirements. For example, infrastructure capabilities such as
- security policies may change from one environment to another and can be changed without the need for
- re-implementation. Application configuration may also be changed in this way, for example, the currency
- quoted by a stock quote feed may be changed though the SCA configuration mechanism.</p>
- <p> SCA divides up the steps in building a service-oriented application into two major parts:</p>
- <br />
- <p>* The Implementation of components which provide services and consume other services. SCA supports
- service implementations written using any one of many programming languages, both including conventional
- object-oriented and procedural languages such as Javatm, PHP, C ++. XML-centric languages such as BPEL
- and XSLT, and also declarative languages such as SQL and XQuery. SCA also supports a range of programming
- styles, including asynchronous and message-oriented styles, in addition to the synchronous
- call-and-return style.</p>
- <p>* The Assembly of sets of components to build composite business applications that addresses specific
- business requirements. This is performed by wiring together the service implementation components. </p>
- <img src="./images/sca_composite.jpg" width="100%" height="100%" align="" usemap="#scaMap" />
- <map name="scaMap">
- <area shape="rect" coords="153,26,358,128" href="sca-interface.html" alt="Interface" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="640,23,845,125" href="sca-interface.html" alt="Interface" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="140,539,317,684" href="sca-binding.html" alt="Binding" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="684,540,863,684" href="sca-binding.html" alt="Binding" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="434,540,596,686" href="sca-implementation.html" alt="Implementation" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="197,435,272,481" href="sca-wire.html" alt="Wire" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="493,436,566,480" href="sca-wire.html" alt="Wire" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="758,437,833,480" href="sca-wire.html" alt="Wire" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="301,287,464,392" href="sca-component.html" alt="Component A" />
- <area shape="rect" coords="567,287,729,390" href="sca-component.html" alt="Component B" />
- <area shape="poly" coords="21,287, 143,287, 183,332, 142,376, 22,376, 61,332" href="sca-service.html" alt="Service" />
- <area shape="poly" coords="833,288, 954,288, 994,333, 954,376, 833,375, 871,331" href="sca-reference.html" alt="Reference" />
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- <area shape="rect" coords="93,170,906,509" href="sca-composite.html" alt="Composite" />
- </blockquote>
- </p>
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- <em>Copyright &copy; 2006, The Apache Software Foundation</em><br/>
- Apache Tuscany is an effort undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), sponsored by the Web Services PMC.
- Incubation is required of all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the infrastructure,
- communications, and decision making process have stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
- While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or stability of the code,
- it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
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