package de.pixart.messenger.parser; import android.os.Build; import android.text.Html; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import de.pixart.messenger.Config; import de.pixart.messenger.R; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.OtrService; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.AxolotlService; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.BrokenSessionException; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.NotEncryptedForThisDeviceException; import de.pixart.messenger.crypto.axolotl.XmppAxolotlMessage; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Account; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Contact; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Conversation; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Message; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.MucOptions; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.Presence; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.ReadByMarker; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.ReceiptRequest; import de.pixart.messenger.entities.ServiceDiscoveryResult; import de.pixart.messenger.http.HttpConnectionManager; import de.pixart.messenger.http.P1S3UrlStreamHandler; import; import; import de.pixart.messenger.utils.CryptoHelper; import de.pixart.messenger.utils.Namespace; import de.pixart.messenger.xml.Element; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.InvalidJid; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.OnMessagePacketReceived; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.chatstate.ChatState; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.pep.Avatar; import de.pixart.messenger.xmpp.stanzas.MessagePacket; import rocks.xmpp.addr.Jid; public class MessageParser extends AbstractParser implements OnMessagePacketReceived { private static final List CLIENTS_SENDING_HTML_IN_OTR = Arrays.asList("Pidgin", "Adium", "Trillian"); private static final SimpleDateFormat TIME_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss", Locale.ENGLISH); public MessageParser(XmppConnectionService service) { super(service); } private static String extractStanzaId(Element packet, boolean isTypeGroupChat, Conversation conversation) { final Jid by; final boolean safeToExtract; if (isTypeGroupChat) { by = conversation.getJid().asBareJid(); safeToExtract = conversation.getMucOptions().hasFeature(Namespace.STANZA_IDS); } else { Account account = conversation.getAccount(); by = account.getJid().asBareJid(); safeToExtract = account.getXmppConnection().getFeatures().stanzaIds(); } return safeToExtract ? extractStanzaId(packet, by) : null; } private static String extractStanzaId(Element packet, Jid by) { for (Element child : packet.getChildren()) { if (child.getName().equals("stanza-id") && Namespace.STANZA_IDS.equals(child.getNamespace()) && by.equals(InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(child.getAttributeAsJid("by")))) { return child.getAttribute("id"); } } return null; } private static Jid getTrueCounterpart(Element mucUserElement, Jid fallback) { final Element item = mucUserElement == null ? null : mucUserElement.findChild("item"); Jid result = item == null ? null : InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(item.getAttributeAsJid("jid")); return result != null ? result : fallback; } private static boolean clientMightSendHtml(Account account, Jid from) { String resource = from.getResource(); if (resource == null) { return false; } Presence presence = account.getRoster().getContact(from).getPresences().getPresences().get(resource); ServiceDiscoveryResult disco = presence == null ? null : presence.getServiceDiscoveryResult(); if (disco == null) { return false; } return hasIdentityKnowForSendingHtml(disco.getIdentities()); } private static boolean hasIdentityKnowForSendingHtml(List identities) { for (ServiceDiscoveryResult.Identity identity : identities) { if (identity.getName() != null) { if (CLIENTS_SENDING_HTML_IN_OTR.contains(identity.getName())) { return true; } } } return false; } private boolean extractChatState(Conversation c, final boolean isTypeGroupChat, final MessagePacket packet) { ChatState state = ChatState.parse(packet); if (state != null && c != null) { final Account account = c.getAccount(); Jid from = packet.getFrom(); if (from.asBareJid().equals(account.getJid().asBareJid())) { c.setOutgoingChatState(state); if (state == ChatState.ACTIVE || state == ChatState.COMPOSING) { mXmppConnectionService.markRead(c); activateGracePeriod(account); } return false; } else { if (isTypeGroupChat) { MucOptions.User user = c.getMucOptions().findUserByFullJid(from); if (user != null) { return user.setChatState(state); } else { return false; } } else { return c.setIncomingChatState(state); } } } return false; } private Message parseOtrChat(String body, Jid from, String id, Conversation conversation) { String presence; if (from.isBareJid()) { presence = ""; } else { presence = from.getResource(); } if (body.matches("^\\?OTRv\\d{1,2}\\?.*")) { conversation.endOtrIfNeeded(); } if (!conversation.hasValidOtrSession()) { conversation.startOtrSession(presence, false); } else { String foreignPresence = conversation.getOtrSession().getSessionID().getUserID(); if (!foreignPresence.equals(presence)) { conversation.endOtrIfNeeded(); conversation.startOtrSession(presence, false); } } try { conversation.setLastReceivedOtrMessageId(id); Session otrSession = conversation.getOtrSession(); body = otrSession.transformReceiving(body); SessionStatus status = otrSession.getSessionStatus(); if (body == null && status == SessionStatus.ENCRYPTED) { mXmppConnectionService.onOtrSessionEstablished(conversation); return null; } else if (body == null && status == SessionStatus.FINISHED) { conversation.resetOtrSession(); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); return null; } else if (body == null || (body.isEmpty())) { return null; } if (body.startsWith(CryptoHelper.FILETRANSFER)) { String key = body.substring(CryptoHelper.FILETRANSFER.length()); conversation.setSymmetricKey(CryptoHelper.hexToBytes(key)); return null; } if (clientMightSendHtml(conversation.getAccount(), from)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, conversation.getAccount().getJid().asBareJid() + ": received OTR message from bad behaving client. escaping HTML…"); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) { body = Html.fromHtml(body, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY).toString(); } else { body = Html.fromHtml(body).toString(); } } final OtrService otrService = conversation.getAccount().getOtrService(); Message finishedMessage = new Message(conversation, body, Message.ENCRYPTION_OTR, Message.STATUS_RECEIVED); finishedMessage.setFingerprint(otrService.getFingerprint(otrSession.getRemotePublicKey())); conversation.setLastReceivedOtrMessageId(null); return finishedMessage; } catch (Exception e) { conversation.resetOtrSession(); return null; } } private Message parseAxolotlChat(Element axolotlMessage, Jid from, Conversation conversation, int status, boolean checkedForDuplicates, boolean postpone) { final AxolotlService service = conversation.getAccount().getAxolotlService(); final XmppAxolotlMessage xmppAxolotlMessage; try { xmppAxolotlMessage = XmppAxolotlMessage.fromElement(axolotlMessage, from.asBareJid()); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, conversation.getAccount().getJid().asBareJid() + ": invalid omemo message received " + e.getMessage()); return null; } if (xmppAxolotlMessage.hasPayload()) { final XmppAxolotlMessage.XmppAxolotlPlaintextMessage plaintextMessage; try { plaintextMessage = service.processReceivingPayloadMessage(xmppAxolotlMessage, postpone); } catch (BrokenSessionException e) { if (checkedForDuplicates) { service.reportBrokenSessionException(e, postpone); return new Message(conversation, "", Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL_FAILED, status); } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "ignoring broken session exception because checkForDuplicase failed"); return null; } } catch (NotEncryptedForThisDeviceException e) { return new Message(conversation, "", Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL_NOT_FOR_THIS_DEVICE, status); } if (plaintextMessage != null) { Message finishedMessage = new Message(conversation, plaintextMessage.getPlaintext(), Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL, status); finishedMessage.setFingerprint(plaintextMessage.getFingerprint()); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.getLogprefix(finishedMessage.getConversation().getAccount()) + " Received Message with session fingerprint: " + plaintextMessage.getFingerprint()); return finishedMessage; } } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, conversation.getAccount().getJid().asBareJid() + ": received OMEMO key transport message"); service.processReceivingKeyTransportMessage(xmppAxolotlMessage, postpone); } return null; } private Invite extractInvite(Account account, Element message) { Element x = message.findChild("x", ""); if (x != null) { Element invite = x.findChild("invite"); if (invite != null) { String password = x.findChildContent("password"); Jid from = InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(invite.getAttributeAsJid("from")); Contact contact = from == null ? null : account.getRoster().getContact(from); Jid room = InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(message.getAttributeAsJid("from")); if (room == null) { return null; } return new Invite(room, password, contact); } } else { x = message.findChild("x", "jabber:x:conference"); if (x != null) { Jid from = InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(message.getAttributeAsJid("from")); Contact contact = from == null ? null : account.getRoster().getContact(from); Jid room = InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(x.getAttributeAsJid("jid")); if (room == null) { return null; } return new Invite(room, x.getAttribute("password"), contact); } } return null; } private void parseEvent(final Element event, final Jid from, final Account account) { Element items = event.findChild("items"); String node = items == null ? null : items.getAttribute("node"); if ("urn:xmpp:avatar:metadata".equals(node)) { Avatar avatar = Avatar.parseMetadata(items); if (avatar != null) { avatar.owner = from.asBareJid(); if (mXmppConnectionService.getFileBackend().isAvatarCached(avatar)) { if (account.getJid().asBareJid().equals(from)) { if (account.setAvatar(avatar.getFilename())) { mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateAccount(account); mXmppConnectionService.notifyAccountAvatarHasChanged(account); } mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(account); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); mXmppConnectionService.updateAccountUi(); } else { Contact contact = account.getRoster().getContact(from); if (contact.setAvatar(avatar)) { mXmppConnectionService.syncRoster(account); mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(contact); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); mXmppConnectionService.updateRosterUi(); } } } else if (mXmppConnectionService.isDataSaverDisabled()) { mXmppConnectionService.fetchAvatar(account, avatar); } } } else if (Namespace.NICK.equals(node)) { final Element i = items.findChild("item"); final String nick = i == null ? null : i.findChildContent("nick", Namespace.NICK); if (nick != null) { setNick(account, from, nick); } } else if (AxolotlService.PEP_DEVICE_LIST.equals(node)) { Element item = items.findChild("item"); Set deviceIds = mXmppConnectionService.getIqParser().deviceIds(item); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, AxolotlService.getLogprefix(account) + "Received PEP device list " + deviceIds + " update from " + from + ", processing... "); AxolotlService axolotlService = account.getAxolotlService(); axolotlService.registerDevices(from, deviceIds); } else if (Namespace.BOOKMARKS.equals(node) && account.getJid().asBareJid().equals(from)) { if (account.getXmppConnection().getFeatures().bookmarksConversion()) { final Element i = items.findChild("item"); final Element storage = i == null ? null : i.findChild("storage", Namespace.BOOKMARKS); new Thread(() -> { mXmppConnectionService.processBookmarks(account, storage, true); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": processing bookmark PEP event"); }).start(); } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": ignoring bookmark PEP event because bookmark conversion was not detected"); } } } private void parseDeleteEvent(final Element event, final Jid from, final Account account) { final Element delete = event.findChild("delete"); if (delete == null) { return; } String node = delete.getAttribute("node"); if (Namespace.NICK.equals(node)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "parsing nick delete event from " + from); setNick(account, from, null); } } private void setNick(Account account, Jid user, String nick) { if (user.asBareJid().equals(account.getJid().asBareJid())) { account.setDisplayName(nick); } else { Contact contact = account.getRoster().getContact(user); if (contact.setPresenceName(nick)) { mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(contact); } } mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); mXmppConnectionService.updateAccountUi(); } private boolean handleErrorMessage(Account account, MessagePacket packet) { if (packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_ERROR) { Jid from = packet.getFrom(); if (from != null) { Message message = mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.asBareJid(), packet.getId(), Message.STATUS_SEND_FAILED, extractErrorMessage(packet)); if (message != null) { if (message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_OTR) { Conversation conversation = (Conversation) message.getConversation(); conversation.endOtrIfNeeded(); } } } return true; } return false; } @Override public void onMessagePacketReceived(Account account, MessagePacket original) { if (handleErrorMessage(account, original)) { return; } final MessagePacket packet; Long timestamp = null; final boolean isForwarded; boolean isCarbon = false; String serverMsgId = null; final Element fin = original.findChild("fin", MessageArchiveService.Version.MAM_0.namespace); if (fin != null) { mXmppConnectionService.getMessageArchiveService().processFinLegacy(fin, original.getFrom()); return; } final Element result = MessageArchiveService.Version.findResult(original); final MessageArchiveService.Query query = result == null ? null : mXmppConnectionService.getMessageArchiveService().findQuery(result.getAttribute("queryid")); if (query != null && query.validFrom(original.getFrom())) { Pair f = original.getForwardedMessagePacket("result", query.version.namespace); if (f == null) { return; } timestamp = f.second; packet = f.first; isForwarded = true; serverMsgId = result.getAttribute("id"); query.incrementMessageCount(); } else if (query != null) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": received mam result from invalid sender"); return; } else if (original.fromServer(account)) { Pair f; f = original.getForwardedMessagePacket("received", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2"); f = f == null ? original.getForwardedMessagePacket("sent", "urn:xmpp:carbons:2") : f; packet = f != null ? f.first : original; if (handleErrorMessage(account, packet)) { return; } timestamp = f != null ? f.second : null; isCarbon = f != null; isForwarded = isCarbon; } else { packet = original; isForwarded = false; } if (timestamp == null) { timestamp = AbstractParser.parseTimestamp(original, AbstractParser.parseTimestamp(packet)); } final String body = packet.getBody(); final Element mucUserElement = packet.findChild("x", ""); final String pgpEncrypted = packet.findChildContent("x", "jabber:x:encrypted"); final Element replaceElement = packet.findChild("replace", "urn:xmpp:message-correct:0"); final Element oob = packet.findChild("x", Namespace.OOB); final Element xP1S3 = packet.findChild("x", Namespace.P1_S3_FILE_TRANSFER); final URL xP1S3url = xP1S3 == null ? null : P1S3UrlStreamHandler.of(xP1S3); final String oobUrl = oob != null ? oob.findChildContent("url") : null; final String replacementId = replaceElement == null ? null : replaceElement.getAttribute("id"); final Element axolotlEncrypted = packet.findChild(XmppAxolotlMessage.CONTAINERTAG, AxolotlService.PEP_PREFIX); int status; final Jid counterpart; final Jid to = packet.getTo(); final Jid from = packet.getFrom(); final Element originId = packet.findChild("origin-id", Namespace.STANZA_IDS); final String remoteMsgId; if (originId != null && originId.getAttribute("id") != null) { remoteMsgId = originId.getAttribute("id"); } else { remoteMsgId = packet.getId(); } boolean notify = false; if (from == null || !InvalidJid.isValid(from) || !InvalidJid.isValid(to)) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "encountered invalid message from='" + from + "' to='" + to + "'"); return; } boolean isTypeGroupChat = packet.getType() == MessagePacket.TYPE_GROUPCHAT; if (query != null && !query.muc() && isTypeGroupChat) { Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": received groupchat (" + from + ") message on regular MAM request. skipping"); return; } boolean isProperlyAddressed = (to != null) && (!to.isBareJid() || account.countPresences() == 0); boolean isMucStatusMessage = InvalidJid.hasValidFrom(packet) && from.isBareJid() && mucUserElement != null && mucUserElement.hasChild("status"); boolean selfAddressed; if (packet.fromAccount(account)) { status = Message.STATUS_SEND; selfAddressed = to == null || account.getJid().asBareJid().equals(to.asBareJid()); if (selfAddressed) { counterpart = from; } else { counterpart = to != null ? to : account.getJid(); } } else { status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED; counterpart = from; selfAddressed = false; } Invite invite = extractInvite(account, packet); if (invite != null && invite.execute(account)) { return; } if ((body != null || pgpEncrypted != null || (axolotlEncrypted != null && axolotlEncrypted.hasChild("payload")) || oobUrl != null || xP1S3 != null) && !isMucStatusMessage) { final boolean conversationIsProbablyMuc = isTypeGroupChat || mucUserElement != null || account.getXmppConnection().getMucServersWithholdAccount().contains(counterpart.getDomain()); final Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.findOrCreateConversation(account, counterpart.asBareJid(), conversationIsProbablyMuc, false, query, false); final boolean conversationMultiMode = conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI; if (serverMsgId == null) { serverMsgId = extractStanzaId(packet, isTypeGroupChat, conversation); } if (selfAddressed) { if (mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(conversation, remoteMsgId, Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED, serverMsgId)) { return; } status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED; if (remoteMsgId != null && conversation.findMessageWithRemoteId(remoteMsgId, counterpart) != null) { return; } } if (isTypeGroupChat) { if (conversation.getMucOptions().isSelf(counterpart)) { status = Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED; isCarbon = true; //not really carbon but received from another resource if (mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(conversation, remoteMsgId, status, serverMsgId)) { return; } else if (remoteMsgId == null || Config.IGNORE_ID_REWRITE_IN_MUC) { Message message = conversation.findSentMessageWithBody(packet.getBody()); if (message != null) { mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(message, status); return; } } } else { status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED; } } final Message message; if (body != null && body.startsWith("?OTR") && Config.supportOtr()) { if (!isForwarded && !isTypeGroupChat && isProperlyAddressed && !conversationMultiMode) { message = parseOtrChat(body, from, remoteMsgId, conversation); if (message == null) { return; } } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": ignoring OTR message from " + from + " isForwarded=" + Boolean.toString(isForwarded) + ", isProperlyAddressed=" + Boolean.valueOf(isProperlyAddressed)); message = new Message(conversation, body, Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE, status); } } else if (xP1S3url != null) { message = new Message(conversation, xP1S3url.toString(), Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE, status); message.setOob(true); if (CryptoHelper.isPgpEncryptedUrl(xP1S3url.toString())) { message.setEncryption(Message.ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTED); } } else if (pgpEncrypted != null && Config.supportOpenPgp()) { message = new Message(conversation, pgpEncrypted, Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP, status); } else if (axolotlEncrypted != null && Config.supportOmemo()) { Jid origin; Set fallbacksBySourceId = Collections.emptySet(); if (conversationMultiMode) { final Jid fallback = conversation.getMucOptions().getTrueCounterpart(counterpart); origin = getTrueCounterpart(query != null ? mucUserElement : null, fallback); if (origin == null) { try { fallbacksBySourceId = account.getAxolotlService().findCounterpartsBySourceId(XmppAxolotlMessage.parseSourceId(axolotlEncrypted)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { //ignoring } } if (origin == null && fallbacksBySourceId.size() == 0) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "axolotl message in anonymous conference received and no possible fallbacks"); return; } } else { fallbacksBySourceId = Collections.emptySet(); origin = from; } final boolean checkedForDuplicates = serverMsgId != null && remoteMsgId != null && !conversation.possibleDuplicate(serverMsgId, remoteMsgId); if (origin != null) { message = parseAxolotlChat(axolotlEncrypted, origin, conversation, status, checkedForDuplicates, query != null); } else { Message trial = null; for (Jid fallback : fallbacksBySourceId) { trial = parseAxolotlChat(axolotlEncrypted, fallback, conversation, status, checkedForDuplicates && fallbacksBySourceId.size() == 1, query != null); if (trial != null) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": decoded muc message using fallback"); origin = fallback; break; } } message = trial; } if (message == null) { if (query == null && extractChatState(mXmppConnectionService.find(account, counterpart.asBareJid()), isTypeGroupChat, packet)) { mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); } if (query != null && status == Message.STATUS_SEND && remoteMsgId != null) { Message previouslySent = conversation.findSentMessageWithUuid(remoteMsgId); if (previouslySent != null && previouslySent.getServerMsgId() == null && serverMsgId != null) { previouslySent.setServerMsgId(serverMsgId); mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateMessage(previouslySent, false); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": encountered previously sent OMEMO message without serverId. updating..."); } } return; } if (conversationMultiMode) { message.setTrueCounterpart(origin); } } else if (body == null && oobUrl != null) { message = new Message(conversation, oobUrl, Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE, status); message.setOob(true); if (CryptoHelper.isPgpEncryptedUrl(oobUrl)) { message.setEncryption(Message.ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTED); } } else { message = new Message(conversation, body, Message.ENCRYPTION_NONE, status); } message.setCounterpart(counterpart); message.setRemoteMsgId(remoteMsgId); message.setServerMsgId(serverMsgId); message.setCarbon(isCarbon); message.setTime(timestamp); if (body != null && body.equals(oobUrl)) { message.setOob(true); if (CryptoHelper.isPgpEncryptedUrl(oobUrl)) { message.setEncryption(Message.ENCRYPTION_DECRYPTED); } } message.markable = packet.hasChild("markable", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0"); if (conversationMultiMode) { message.setMucUser(conversation.getMucOptions().findUserByFullJid(counterpart)); final Jid fallback = conversation.getMucOptions().getTrueCounterpart(counterpart); Jid trueCounterpart; if (message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL) { trueCounterpart = message.getTrueCounterpart(); } else if (query != null && query.safeToExtractTrueCounterpart()) { trueCounterpart = getTrueCounterpart(mucUserElement, fallback); } else { trueCounterpart = fallback; } if (trueCounterpart != null && isTypeGroupChat) { if (trueCounterpart.asBareJid().equals(account.getJid().asBareJid())) { status = isTypeGroupChat ? Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED : Message.STATUS_SEND; } else { status = Message.STATUS_RECEIVED; message.setCarbon(false); } } message.setStatus(status); message.setTrueCounterpart(trueCounterpart); if (!isTypeGroupChat) { message.setType(Message.TYPE_PRIVATE); } } else { updateLastseen(account, from); } if (replacementId != null && mXmppConnectionService.allowMessageCorrection()) { final Message replacedMessage = conversation.findMessageWithRemoteIdAndCounterpart(replacementId, counterpart, message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED, message.isCarbon()); if (replacedMessage != null) { final boolean fingerprintsMatch = replacedMessage.getFingerprint() == null || replacedMessage.getFingerprint().equals(message.getFingerprint()); final boolean trueCountersMatch = replacedMessage.getTrueCounterpart() != null && replacedMessage.getTrueCounterpart().equals(message.getTrueCounterpart()); final boolean mucUserMatches = query == null && replacedMessage.sameMucUser(message); //can not be checked when using mam final boolean duplicate = conversation.hasDuplicateMessage(message); if (fingerprintsMatch && (trueCountersMatch || !conversationMultiMode || mucUserMatches) && !duplicate) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "replaced message '" + replacedMessage.getBody() + "' with '" + message.getBody() + "'"); synchronized (replacedMessage) { final String uuid = replacedMessage.getUuid(); replacedMessage.setUuid(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); replacedMessage.setBody(message.getBody()); replacedMessage.setEdited(replacedMessage.getRemoteMsgId()); replacedMessage.setRemoteMsgId(remoteMsgId); if (replacedMessage.getServerMsgId() == null || message.getServerMsgId() != null) { replacedMessage.setServerMsgId(message.getServerMsgId()); } replacedMessage.setEncryption(message.getEncryption()); if (replacedMessage.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED) { replacedMessage.markUnread(); } extractChatState(mXmppConnectionService.find(account, counterpart.asBareJid()), isTypeGroupChat, packet); mXmppConnectionService.updateMessage(replacedMessage, uuid); if (mXmppConnectionService.confirmMessages() && replacedMessage.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED && (replacedMessage.trusted() || replacedMessage.isPrivateMessage()) //TODO do we really want to send receipts for all PMs? && remoteMsgId != null && !selfAddressed && !isTypeGroupChat) { processMessageReceipts(account, packet, query); } if (replacedMessage.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP) { conversation.getAccount().getPgpDecryptionService().discard(replacedMessage); conversation.getAccount().getPgpDecryptionService().decrypt(replacedMessage, false); } } mXmppConnectionService.getNotificationService().updateNotification(); return; } else { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": received message correction but verification didn't check out"); } } } long deletionDate = mXmppConnectionService.getAutomaticMessageDeletionDate(); if (deletionDate != 0 && message.getTimeSent() < deletionDate) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": skipping message from " + message.getCounterpart().toString() + " because it was sent prior to our deletion date"); return; } boolean checkForDuplicates = (isTypeGroupChat && packet.hasChild("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay")) || message.isPrivateMessage() || message.getServerMsgId() != null || (query == null && mXmppConnectionService.getMessageArchiveService().isCatchupInProgress(conversation)); if (checkForDuplicates) { final Message duplicate = conversation.findDuplicateMessage(message); if (duplicate != null) { final boolean serverMsgIdUpdated; if (duplicate.getStatus() != Message.STATUS_RECEIVED && duplicate.getUuid().equals(message.getRemoteMsgId()) && duplicate.getServerMsgId() == null && message.getServerMsgId() != null) { duplicate.setServerMsgId(message.getServerMsgId()); if (mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateMessage(duplicate, false)) { serverMsgIdUpdated = true; } else { serverMsgIdUpdated = false; Log.e(Config.LOGTAG, "failed to update message"); } } else { serverMsgIdUpdated = false; } Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "skipping duplicate message with " + message.getCounterpart() + ". serverMsgIdUpdated=" + Boolean.toString(serverMsgIdUpdated)); return; } } if (query != null && query.getPagingOrder() == MessageArchiveService.PagingOrder.REVERSE) { conversation.prepend(query.getActualInThisQuery(), message); } else { conversation.add(message); } if (query != null) { query.incrementActualMessageCount(); } if (query == null || query.isCatchup()) { //either no mam or catchup if (status == Message.STATUS_SEND || status == Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED) { mXmppConnectionService.markRead(conversation); if (query == null) { activateGracePeriod(account); } } else { message.markUnread(); notify = true; } } if (message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_PGP) { notify = conversation.getAccount().getPgpDecryptionService().decrypt(message, notify); } else if (message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL_NOT_FOR_THIS_DEVICE || message.getEncryption() == Message.ENCRYPTION_AXOLOTL_FAILED) { notify = false; } if (query == null) { extractChatState(mXmppConnectionService.find(account, counterpart.asBareJid()), isTypeGroupChat, packet); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); } if (mXmppConnectionService.confirmMessages() && message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED && (message.trusted() || message.isPrivateMessage()) && remoteMsgId != null && !selfAddressed && !isTypeGroupChat) { processMessageReceipts(account, packet, query); } if (message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_RECEIVED && conversation.getOtrSession() != null && !conversation.getOtrSession().getSessionID().getUserID() .equals(message.getCounterpart().getResource())) { conversation.endOtrIfNeeded(); } mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.createMessage(message); final HttpConnectionManager manager = this.mXmppConnectionService.getHttpConnectionManager(); if (message.trusted() && message.treatAsDownloadable() && manager.getAutoAcceptFileSize() > 0) { manager.createNewDownloadConnection(message); } else if (notify) { if (query != null && query.isCatchup()) { mXmppConnectionService.getNotificationService().pushFromBacklog(message); } else { mXmppConnectionService.getNotificationService().push(message); } } } else if (!packet.hasChild("body")) { //no body final Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.find(account, from.asBareJid()); if (axolotlEncrypted != null) { Jid origin; if (conversation != null && conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI) { final Jid fallback = conversation.getMucOptions().getTrueCounterpart(counterpart); origin = getTrueCounterpart(query != null ? mucUserElement : null, fallback); if (origin == null) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, "omemo key transport message in anonymous conference received"); return; } } else if (isTypeGroupChat) { return; } else { origin = from; } try { final XmppAxolotlMessage xmppAxolotlMessage = XmppAxolotlMessage.fromElement(axolotlEncrypted, origin.asBareJid()); account.getAxolotlService().processReceivingKeyTransportMessage(xmppAxolotlMessage, query != null); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": omemo key transport message received from " + origin); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": invalid omemo key transport message received " + e.getMessage()); return; } } if (query == null && extractChatState(mXmppConnectionService.find(account, counterpart.asBareJid()), isTypeGroupChat, packet)) { mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); } if (isTypeGroupChat) { if (packet.hasChild("subject")) { if (conversation != null && conversation.getMode() == Conversation.MODE_MULTI) { conversation.setHasMessagesLeftOnServer(conversation.countMessages() > 0); String subject = packet.findInternationalizedChildContent("subject"); if (conversation.getMucOptions().setSubject(subject)) { mXmppConnectionService.updateConversation(conversation); } mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); return; } } } if (conversation != null && mucUserElement != null && InvalidJid.hasValidFrom(packet) && from.isBareJid()) { for (Element child : mucUserElement.getChildren()) { if ("status".equals(child.getName())) { try { int code = Integer.parseInt(child.getAttribute("code")); if ((code >= 170 && code <= 174) || (code >= 102 && code <= 104)) { mXmppConnectionService.fetchConferenceConfiguration(conversation); break; } } catch (Exception e) { //ignored } } else if ("item".equals(child.getName())) { MucOptions.User user = AbstractParser.parseItem(conversation, child); Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid() + ": changing affiliation for " + user.getRealJid() + " to " + user.getAffiliation() + " in " + conversation.getJid().asBareJid()); if (!user.realJidMatchesAccount()) { boolean isNew = conversation.getMucOptions().updateUser(user); mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(conversation); mXmppConnectionService.updateMucRosterUi(); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); Contact contact = user.getContact(); if (!user.getAffiliation().ranks(MucOptions.Affiliation.MEMBER)) { Jid jid = user.getRealJid(); List cryptoTargets = conversation.getAcceptedCryptoTargets(); if (cryptoTargets.remove(user.getRealJid())) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": removed " + jid + " from crypto targets of " + conversation.getName()); conversation.setAcceptedCryptoTargets(cryptoTargets); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversation(conversation); } } else if (isNew && user.getRealJid() != null && conversation.getMucOptions().isPrivateAndNonAnonymous() && (contact == null || !contact.mutualPresenceSubscription()) && account.getAxolotlService().hasEmptyDeviceList(user.getRealJid())) { account.getAxolotlService().fetchDeviceIds(user.getRealJid()); } } } } } } Element received = packet.findChild("received", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0"); if (received == null) { received = packet.findChild("received", "urn:xmpp:receipts"); } if (received != null) { String id = received.getAttribute("id"); if (packet.fromAccount(account)) { if (query != null && id != null && packet.getTo() != null) { query.removePendingReceiptRequest(new ReceiptRequest(packet.getTo(), id)); } } else { mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.asBareJid(), received.getAttribute("id"), Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED); } } Element displayed = packet.findChild("displayed", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0"); if (displayed != null) { final String id = displayed.getAttribute("id"); final Jid sender = InvalidJid.getNullForInvalid(displayed.getAttributeAsJid("sender")); if (packet.fromAccount(account) && !selfAddressed) { dismissNotification(account, counterpart, query); } else if (isTypeGroupChat) { Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.find(account, counterpart.asBareJid()); if (conversation != null && id != null && sender != null) { Message message = conversation.findMessageWithRemoteId(id, sender); if (message != null) { final Jid fallback = conversation.getMucOptions().getTrueCounterpart(counterpart); final Jid trueJid = getTrueCounterpart((query != null && query.safeToExtractTrueCounterpart()) ? mucUserElement : null, fallback); final boolean trueJidMatchesAccount = account.getJid().asBareJid().equals(trueJid == null ? null : trueJid.asBareJid()); if (trueJidMatchesAccount || conversation.getMucOptions().isSelf(counterpart)) { if (!message.isRead() && (query == null || query.isCatchup())) { //checking if message is unread fixes race conditions with reflections mXmppConnectionService.markRead(conversation); } } else if (!counterpart.isBareJid() && trueJid != null) { ReadByMarker readByMarker = ReadByMarker.from(counterpart, trueJid); if (message.addReadByMarker(readByMarker)) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": added read by (" + readByMarker.getRealJid() + ") to message '" + message.getBody() + "'"); mXmppConnectionService.updateMessage(message, false); updateReadMarker(account, from, id, selfAddressed, counterpart, query); } } } } } else { final Message displayedMessage = mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.asBareJid(), id, Message.STATUS_SEND_DISPLAYED); Message message = displayedMessage == null ? null : displayedMessage.prev(); while (message != null && message.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED && message.getTimeSent() < displayedMessage.getTimeSent()) { mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(message, Message.STATUS_SEND_DISPLAYED); message = message.prev(); } if (displayedMessage != null && selfAddressed) { dismissNotification(account, counterpart, query); } } } final Element event = original.findChild("event", ""); if (event != null && InvalidJid.hasValidFrom(original)) { if (event.hasChild("items")) { parseEvent(event, original.getFrom(), account); } else if (event.hasChild("delete")) { parseDeleteEvent(event, original.getFrom(), account); } } final String nick = packet.findChildContent("nick", Namespace.NICK); if (nick != null && InvalidJid.hasValidFrom(original)) { Contact contact = account.getRoster().getContact(from); if (contact.setPresenceName(nick)) { mXmppConnectionService.getAvatarService().clear(contact); } } } private void updateReadMarker(Account account, Jid from, String id, boolean selfAddressed, Jid counterpart, MessageArchiveService.Query query) { final Message displayedMessage = mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(account, from.asBareJid(), id, Message.STATUS_SEND_DISPLAYED); Message m = displayedMessage == null ? null : displayedMessage.prev(); while (m != null && m.getStatus() == Message.STATUS_SEND_RECEIVED && m.getTimeSent() < displayedMessage.getTimeSent()) { mXmppConnectionService.markMessage(m, Message.STATUS_SEND_DISPLAYED); m = m.prev(); } if (displayedMessage != null && selfAddressed) { dismissNotification(account, counterpart, query); } } private void dismissNotification(Account account, Jid counterpart, MessageArchiveService.Query query) { Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.find(account, counterpart.asBareJid()); if (conversation != null && (query == null || query.isCatchup())) { mXmppConnectionService.markRead(conversation); //TODO only mark messages read that are older than timestamp } } private void processMessageReceipts(Account account, MessagePacket packet, MessageArchiveService.Query query) { final boolean markable = packet.hasChild("markable", "urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0"); final boolean request = packet.hasChild("request", "urn:xmpp:receipts"); if (query == null) { final ArrayList receiptsNamespaces = new ArrayList<>(); if (markable) { receiptsNamespaces.add("urn:xmpp:chat-markers:0"); } if (request) { receiptsNamespaces.add("urn:xmpp:receipts"); } if (receiptsNamespaces.size() > 0) { MessagePacket receipt = mXmppConnectionService.getMessageGenerator().received(account, packet, receiptsNamespaces, packet.getType()); mXmppConnectionService.sendMessagePacket(account, receipt); } } else if (query.isCatchup()) { if (request) { query.addPendingReceiptRequest(new ReceiptRequest(packet.getFrom(), packet.getId())); } } } private void activateGracePeriod(Account account) { long duration = mXmppConnectionService.getLongPreference("grace_period_length", R.integer.grace_period) * 1000; Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": activating grace period till " + TIME_FORMAT.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + duration))); account.activateGracePeriod(duration); } private class Invite { final Jid jid; final String password; final Contact inviter; Invite(Jid jid, String password, Contact inviter) { this.jid = jid; this.password = password; this.inviter = inviter; } public boolean execute(Account account) { if (jid != null) { Conversation conversation = mXmppConnectionService.findOrCreateConversation(account, jid, true, false); if (conversation.getMucOptions().online()) { Log.d(Config.LOGTAG, account.getJid().asBareJid() + ": received invite to " + jid + " but muc is considered to be online"); mXmppConnectionService.mucSelfPingAndRejoin(conversation); } else { conversation.getMucOptions().setPassword(password); mXmppConnectionService.databaseBackend.updateConversation(conversation); mXmppConnectionService.joinMuc(conversation, inviter != null && inviter.mutualPresenceSubscription()); mXmppConnectionService.updateConversationUi(); } return true; } return false; } } }